The Transformers (1984–1987) |
The Transformers is the first animated television series in the Transformers franchise. The series depicts a war among giant robots that can transform into vehicles and other objects. Written and recorded in America, the series was animated in Japan and South Korea. The entire series was based upon the Diaclone and Microman toy lines originally created by Japanese toy manufacturer Takara, which were developed into the Transformers toy line by American company Hasbro. The series was supplemented by a feature film, The Transformers: The Movie (1986), taking place between the second and third seasons.In Japan, the series was called Fight! Super Robot Life Form Transformers (戦え! 超ロボット生命体トランスフォーマー Tatakae! Chō Robotto Seimeitai Toransufōmā?) for Seasons 1 and 2, and Transformers 2010 (トランスフォーマー2010 Toransufōmā Niizeroichizero?) for Season 3. Following the conclusion of
the series in 1987, the Japanese created Transformers: The Headmasters, a sequel series.Due to the 1992 franchise-wide relaunch under the name Transformers: Generation 2, the original series and its toy and comic book parallels are referred to as Transformers: Generation 1, aka G1. Initially a fan-coined term, it has since made its way into official use as a retronym. Although not a completely new show, new CGI features such as bumpers, alter the appearance of the old episodes.Two opposing camps of alien transforming robots fight in a war that has the fate of Earth in the balance.
Stars: Frank Welker, Peter Cullen, Chris Latta